How Does One Create A PR Strategy

How do you account for the times your opponent does something that’s outside your game plan or when a media promotion move you’ve been working in and execution just doesn’t work?
It’s your public relations game plan that will eventually help you structure your PR activities, enabling you take the right strategic directions to best communicate with your target audience, customers, and stakeholders. Being experts in making several such game plans, we (Newtonites) rated as the Best Public Relations Agency in New Delhi. would love to share some of the best moves from our comprehensive PR game plan guide which will surely assist you to stay ahead of your competitors.

Lets GAME:

Determine PR Goals

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Just like any other game, it’s imperative to know your goals and objectives for what you want to achieve.
These goals can be as few or as many as you need; micro or macro. Just make sure that these PR priorities are consistent in its deployment and aligned with the company’s focus area.
Examples of these goals include improving or enhancing your brand’s image or build general awareness of your product or service.
You may use Dr. Hongmei Shen’s (PR author and researcher) S.M.A.R.T. objectives i.e. Specific (purpose), Measurable (outcomes), Attainable (objective) Realistic (goal) and time (available and necessary).


Know your Target Audience

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Once you’ve clearly defined your goals, you can funnel it down into your target audiences. These are the individuals, groups and communities that you are trying to attract and sell to – they are the people you want to communicate with by activating your Public Relations Consultant which in turn get your message to the editorial teams of publications or PR digital influencers

You can segment your media reach by understanding the TG of the medium / media in order to align the identified target audience who would be interested in hearing about your business; specially those who are key decision-makers and who will have the greatest influence on the business’ outcomes.
Sharing stories and editorial content with a targeted audience curated by the best PR consultants has proven to increase brand engagement and credibility. So it is essential to understand all aspects of your audience such as demographics, location and psychographics before creating your company public relations strategy and PR strategy content.

Such in-depth knowledge about your target audience in alignment to the media they consume will become an essential foundation for your PR Plan and will ultimately help you tailor your PR communication accordingly, thereby assisting in amplifying the effectiveness of your PR strategy.

Topicality & Core Messaging
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  • Now its time to Compile the list of key topics and craft the core messages that can articulate important information about your solutions, service or product in your public relations campaign or one can represent the desired communication with the help of an effective PR Event Planning. Core messages are the ones you want your audience to hear, recall and subliminally remember. Hence these should be direct, crisp, simple to understand and driven by specifics and data. The messages should communicate your uniqueness, core customer or consumer-connect propellers and the PR Content Strategy planned should be chosen consciously to create the desired brand image that enables one stand out from the competition.

PR Tactics

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Tactics are the activities or communication methods that will help you to achieve your PR plan objectives.

You will need to research where your target audience consumes their information. Your target audiences have their communication preferences – email, social media platforms, blogs, newsletters, push notifications and so on. Analytics for Digital PR and NRS/ IRS, TAM and RAM for traditional media can help you identify your audience’s media preferences as well as for the digital PR aspect, one can track how well the TG could respond to your messaging whether you are reaching out to individuals or communicating with a group.
You can make a list of the publications your target audience reads, the events they go to and how they spend their time online.
You must ensure that your message reflects the preferred format, length, and tone of the selected media platform

PR Editorial Calendar

Best PR Advertising Public Relations Consultancy services are availed to curate an editorial calendar; which is a comprehensive document that lists the content and context that should be promoted to the press for publishing. In order to get this task action oriented the PR Team should have identified journalist and digital influencers responsible for editing and publishing the content. Most importantly the PR agency services must include and create editorial friendly content. The supplementing activity of the PR agency or the Media Relations Agency would be to understand the priorities of the beat journalist to adapt the topicality in the editorial calendar to be able to predict the date of the publishing dates in a particular media medium. It is a useful resource to build the foundation for your content based on the editorial tonality of a medium such that the content connects with the editorial mediums user. This process is the most key when it comes to a Public Relation Company or PR Agencies meeting their deliverables commitment to its clients. The Public Relations Agency must be able to connect to the tone of the medium and that’s how ideally a good Public Relation Firm creates their client’s PR calendar.

Time Frame

You should also put time frames around each tactic planned for the PR execution to ensure they are completed either right on time or just in time. Putting a time frame along with the task list will help you to keep track of who does what and when. A PR strategy is as good as PR project management process that entails having detailed time frames to help you to organize your task, allocate team responsibilities and ensures accountability. This is currently what lacks in most PR agencies as work is rather reactive than proactive unlike Newton’s PR. Newton being one of the best PR Agency in India is an example of delivery without excuses and does not miss any opportunity for its PR Clients.

PR Measurement Process

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It’s important to measure the success of your PR Game Plan. Evaluate if you are reaching your objectives through careful measurement and observing the impact on the clients performance.
You could create your own PR measurement tools or set Key performance indicators (KPIs) that will make measurement easier.
One of the best advantage of digital communications, unlike most traditional marketing efforts is that it can be more comprehensively measured, making it much easier to know if your efforts have the desired effect, but what comes on the traditional media there is no better credible space for PR article akin a newspaper, magazine and television channel
You may start by understanding what media measurement categories are most important to your PR Clients organization. Is it Brand awareness, Return on investment or Leads or you could also measure your success by whether you achieved your goals in the set time ‘frame and delivered what is committed as a Public Relation Agency’s key result area.
It’s also a good idea to regularly review your PR strategy with your clients to ensure the progress is good and is working effectively. A tap on your back and great job done will be a great morale booster for a PR Agency whose PR Professionals has worked wonders. Client testimonials maximize the success of your PR Agencies efforts and help to grow your business.

How complete is your game plan? How do you deal with a situation where you just end up going by your instinct? Do give some examples of your PR game plan and stand a chance of being recruited by one of the best PR agencies in India.
